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How To Channel Your Inner Goddess & 6 Cases to Match

How To Channel Your Inner Goddess & 6 Cases to Match

Being a Goddess is all about letting your soul shine. Asking' What makes you you?' and then putting that into the world for everyone to see.

Find out how to channel your powers and what phone case will make your inner Goddess smile today!

1. House Plant Goddess

If you love earth tones and lush nature, get ready to channel your inner house plant goddess. You can start by buying a collection of fun, different plants—the more variety, the better. Then display them proudly in ceramic pots, on windowsills, and hang them in adorable rope baskets. 

The Hanging Around | Potted Plants Floral Case is the perfect reminder of your plant babies waiting for you at home.

2. Creative Goddess

For the creatives in our midst, there’s no greater inspiration than being in the presence of the greats—and now you can carry them in your pocket when you shop our collab with The Met x Casely. This curated selection features masterpieces by Monet, Hokusai, and other artists who’ve left their indelible artistic mark on the world. 

Get your sketchbook or canvas and use your creative goddess powers!

3. Feminist Goddess

“What Do We Want?”

“Equal Rights”

“When Do We Want Them?”

NOW. Take to the streets or social media today! And what better way to push #freethenipple with the I'm With Her | Black & White Boobs Case? Artistic, classy, and full of fun, this case yells liberation!


4. Chill Goddess 

Queens come in all shapes and sizes. They also come extroverted and introverted. So if your ideal night is chilling at home with a pizza, your cat, and a classic noughties rom-com, chances are you’re a chill goddess. 

And, girl, quit feeling bad for it! Make time for yourself, run that bubble bath, and get your paws on the You're Dope | Retro Colorblock Case to keep the mood going all day.

5. Sexy Goddess

Have you looked in the mirror lately? Do you see that magnificent Queen standing before you? Hello! That’s a sexy goddess waiting to be free.

So get your spicy game on and believe in the hot sauce that you are! With the Spicy AF | Pink Chili Hot Sauce Case, you’ll never question your sexy soul again.


6. Not Giving AF Goddess 

To all of the goddesses out there who, quite frankly, would like the world to kindly f*ck off, we’ve got your back with the An Ode to 2020 | F*ck Off Rainbow Case. Much like your day, just because you don’t give AF doesn’t mean you should be without happiness. 

Get this cheery case if you’re ready to let everyone know you don’t give AF.


Final Thoughts

Don’t go another day without channeling your inner Goddess into everything, including your phone case!  At Casely, we want to give you every opportunity to treat yourself, so don’t forget to shop in our killer back-to-school sale, now through August 31st!

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