How To Reapply a Screen Protector

Feb 23, 2024
Everyone’s been there: you apply your screen protector, thinking you’ve done a great job, but then you notice that the protector covers the camera lens or there are too many air bubbles for your comfort.
Whatever the reason you need to reapply your screen protector, fear not! There’s a method to help you remove it successfully and reapply it if you follow the steps below.
Can Screen Protectors Be Reapplied?
You can reapply screen protectors, but, like anything with adhesive, the screen protector will lose its stickiness if you try to reapply too many times. Also, if you don’t remove it correctly, you risk breaking the protector, whether a tempered glass or plastic protector.
6 Steps to Remove & Reapply a Screen Protector
1. Clean Your Workspace
As you would when preparing to apply your protector for the first time, it’s crucial you have a clean workstation. If you don’t, dust or dirt could get under the screen and stay there. So, ensure you have a clean area and quiet space to concentrate. After all, while reapplying once might be acceptable, more than that could render the protector useless.
2. Loosen the Adhesive
Once your workstation is ready, you'll want to loosen the adhesive. One of the most effective ways is to switch a hair dryer onto its lowest heat setting and heat the protector for about 15 seconds.
The hair dryer's heat will loosen the adhesive, so move it around the screen protector, as this could cause heat damage. If your hair dryer is too far from the screen, the glue won’t warm enough to loosen, so hold it close to your screen - but not directly against it.
3. Pry The Corners
This step is crucial if you want to remove your screen safely to reapply. Prying the corners carefully will ensure the protector is kept in good enough condition. The best tools to use are a credit card or toothpick, whichever you have to hand.
Start by taking the credit card and sliding it under each corner of the protector. It’s best to use a flat but robust device that you don’t mind getting messy, such as a used gift card, as the adhesive could damage it.
4. Remove Fully
When you’re happy you've unpeeled each corner successfully, slide the card (or other tool) under each corner. Be mindful not to do this too forcefully, as you might scratch the screen, which defeats the whole purpose of a screen protector in the first place. Then, slide the tool along the four lengths of the phone until the sides of the protector are all detached.
If you’re struggling to get the card underneath the protector, get some duct tape and wrap it on itself so the sticky side is facing outwards. Then, get your index finger and press the duct tape to the corners. Pull away to lift the corner and slide the card underneath it.
Your protector should lift off nicely and quickly after removing each corner. However, if you have a tempered glass case, you’ll need to be extra careful not to bend the protector.
5. Clean the Phone’s Surface
Once you’ve removed the protector, set it to one side on your clean surface - sticky side up. Then, clean the surface of your phone to prevent any dust collecting.
Considering the germs on phone screens, regular cleaning is essential. But in this instance, cleaning removes the risk of dust. It’s best to get some water and a microfiber towel. Dampen the microfiber towel and wipe your screen, ensuring you do not oversoak the towel to avoid water damage.
Once you’ve wiped, get a dry microfiber cloth and remove any residue. Then, air-dry if needed.
6. Reapply the Protector
Now you’re ready to reapply. Ensure you line up your protector with your phone’s screen on all sides. Slowly and gently place the protector on the top of your clean screen, starting at one end and moving to the other. Once you’ve done that, firmly run your fingers over the adhesive.
Remember, the adhesive won’t be as strong as the first time, so be firm and ensure you remove the air bubbles.
How Do You Clean a Screen Protector to Reapply?
If you’re reapplying, you’ll probably have thumbprints on your screen protector from running your fingers all over it. While necessary, this can create extra work for you. Use the same technique as you would for the glass screen of your phone. Wet and wipe the surface with a damp microfiber cloth, then wipe away any water residue with a dry cloth.
Germs collect over time, so it’s best to know how to do a deep clean for your phone and keep it up regularly.
Final Thoughts
Sometimes, no matter how closely you follow the steps, the reapplication of a screen protector goes wrong. So, if you’ve tried your best but haven’t succeeded this time, don’t sacrifice your screen’s safety.
Discover Casely’s tempered glass screen protector to shield your screen from damage and keep that authentic feel!